Latest news and updates

Welcome to the Commercial Vehicle Direct news pages where you’ll find news, articles and information from the team. 

Our aim is to tell you everything you may need to know about vans as well as any recent changes in the insurance market. We keep up-to-date with the latest news, overseas driving policies and even look at the best way to protect your growing business and tools, so that all you have to do is dip in and fish out the news piece that is the most help to you. 

This is the place to come for your regular fix of any news and updates, which could have a direct effect on your business, the vehicle you drive, or your insurance policy.

Petrol and diesel engines to disappear by 2040

Insurance Premium Tax up again

Rise in Peel and Steel theft

The general election and car insurance premiums

The UK's new speeding fines explained

How your premiums can be affected

Festival catering




