Motor Legal Expenses Insurance (MLEI) can prove invaluable for covering the legal costs for a whole host of situations – whether you’ve been injured in an accident and need compensation or if you want to recover costs, such as paying your excess if you weren’t at fault.
At Commercial Vehicle Direct we want to ensure you’re adequately covered, which is why we talk through your vehicle use and lifestyle right from the very start to assess your every need. There’s no doubt that being involved in an accident can cause a lot of stress and unnecessary expense, but there is an easy way to extend your cover to ease this burden.
Added Peace of Mind
When you have an accident that isn't your fault it's the other persons insuracne that pays the bills. Making sure that you get what you are entitled to can be difficult at an already stressful time. Having legal experts on your side assisting the claim is very useful. However, MLEI is often an important addition to your main motor insurance policy as it provides legal expenses cover up to £100,000 for legal help that you might need for claiming compensation for injuries caused by an ‘at fault’ third party. This also includes any damage to your vehicle caused by someone else.
What’s Included:

If you suffer a personal injury or death as a result of a road traffic accident that wasn’t your fault you’ll be able to claim compensation.

If the policy excess or any other out of pocket expenses are not covered by your main motor insurance policy, following a road traffic accident where you weren’t at fault, you can get expert legal help to recover the money – helping to keep the cash flow going in your business. With our legal expenses policy, you can also benefit from a free hire vehicle to use until your own van is fixed or replaced, plus you will be able to reclaim any loss of earnings caused as a direct result of the incident